Main programming for learn hack

What programming language do hackers use?

Originally Answered: Which programming language is used for hacking? Well, talking about the softwares for hacking ? There is no such software that would that would directly crack your any piece of code and let you inside your girlfriend’s account. Just kidding !! Hacking is not something you can learn by simply reading eBooks, reading this article, watching YouTube videos, liking hacking related facebook pages or by following some websites. But these are very important to practice for hacking and to raise your interest and gain more knowledge. Yes, It needs a lot more efforts. You have to be constantly updated with the latest technology and you should do a lot of live hacking then only you will reach near perfection.

>The single best thing you can do to become a hacker is learn to program— You have to master in most of the programming languages. Programming is the real base of hacking. If you know programming, you will be able to analyze code, write your own scripts or your own hacking tools.

>Thinking like a pro or keeping a hacker mindset— We see many kind of technologies in our daily life. Look at them from a hacker’s prospective by thinking of way to exploit them. That’s the thing that would make you pro day by day and different from any other programmer. Hackers take a special delight in solving problems, sharpening their skills, and exercising their intelligence.

>Knowing the core of the technologies you are using— If you really want to be a professional hacker you need to work really hard. It will not happen in days or week. It may take you months or years to be a pro. If you really want to hack something complicated like power grids or nuclear plants ( Its far more complicated than you ever thought Bro !! Don’t even think of it ! ) then you must need to know how it works and knowing these thing is the most hardest part of hacking.

Now coming to your question

Web Hacking

Now if you are interested in webhacking subject, subject then I would recommend you to learn the following languages:

1. HTML – Start with Html if you don’t know it. Its easy to learn and you will get to know it within few months.

2. Javascript – Next learn javascript, which will help you understanding the fundamentals of cross site scripting which will be explained later in this book.

3. SQL Databases – You should learn to work with databases, which will help you to understand the fundamentals of SQL Injection attacks which will be also explained later in this book when we come to the Web Application hacking chapter.

4. PHP – Learning PHP should be your one of your first priorities if you want to understand the mechanisms behind the web hacking attacks. I would recommend you to learn it as soon as possible.


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